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Each case is evaluated for all cases and a character vector match for each element determines the corresponding value in the output vector. If no cases match, the .default is used. The function allows you to assign multiple values to a character value, which can be very handy for EDA.


case_if_any(..., .default = "", .sep = ";", .drop_empty = TRUE)



<dynamic-dots> A sequence of two-sided formulas. The left hand side (LHS) determines which values match this case. The right hand side (RHS) provides the replacement value.

The LHS inputs must evaluate to logical vectors.

The RHS inputs will be coerced to their common type.

All inputs will be recycled to their common size. That said, we encourage all LHS inputs to be the same size. Recycling is mainly useful for RHS inputs, where you might supply a size 1 input that will be recycled to the size of the LHS inputs.

NULL inputs are ignored.


The value used when all of the LHS inputs return either FALSE or NA.

.default must be size 1 or the same size as the common size computed from ....

.default participates in the computation of the common type with the RHS inputs.

NA values in the LHS conditions are treated like FALSE, meaning that the result at those locations will be assigned the .default value. To handle missing values in the conditions differently, you must explicitly catch them with another condition before they fall through to the .default. This typically involves some variation of ~ value tailored to your usage of case_when().

If NULL, the default, a missing value will be used.


the separator between answers. (default is ;), can't be a substring of any of the text


drop if no match is returned. (Defaults to TRUE for legibility), but if FALSE, can be used more easily with tidyr::separate_wider/longer_delim()


A vector with the same size as the common size computed from the inputs in ... and the same type as the common type of the RHS inputs in ....


  mtcars$vs == 1 ~ "vs = 1",
  mtcars$mpg > 150 ~ "I have mpg > 150"
#>  [1] ""       ""       "vs = 1" "vs = 1" ""       "vs = 1" ""       "vs = 1"
#>  [9] "vs = 1" "vs = 1" "vs = 1" ""       ""       ""       ""       ""      
#> [17] ""       "vs = 1" "vs = 1" "vs = 1" "vs = 1" ""       ""       ""      
#> [25] ""       "vs = 1" ""       "vs = 1" ""       ""       ""       "vs = 1"
  mtcars$vs == 1 ~ "Woww",
  mtcars$mpg > 15 ~ "QW",
  mtcars$qsec > 18 ~ "ooh lalal",
  .sep = ";",
  .default = NA
#>  [1] "QW"                "QW"                "Woww;QW;ooh lalal"
#>  [4] "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "QW"                "Woww;QW;ooh lalal"
#>  [7] NA                  "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "Woww;QW;ooh lalal"
#> [10] "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "QW"               
#> [13] "QW"                "QW"                NA                 
#> [16] NA                  NA                  "Woww;QW;ooh lalal"
#> [19] "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "Woww;QW;ooh lalal"
#> [22] "QW"                "QW"                NA                 
#> [25] "QW"                "Woww;QW;ooh lalal" "QW"               
#> [28] "Woww;QW"           "QW"                "QW"               
#> [31] NA                  "Woww;QW;ooh lalal"