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The outline functions return a data frame that contains details of file location.

It also includes a print method that will provide a console output that will include clickable hyperlinks in RStudio (or if your terminal supports it). It works with both (qR)md and R files.

Outline elements include

  • Any code section

  • function definition (not shown in console by default)

  • TODO items

  • Parse cli hyperlinks

  • Plot or table titles

  • FIgures caption in Quarto documents (limited support for multiline caption currently)

  • test names

  • Indicator of recent modification

  • Colored output for

  • URL and gh issue detection and link creation.

By default


  path = active_rs_doc(),
  pattern = NULL,
  alpha = FALSE,
  print_todo = TRUE,
  recent_only = FALSE

  path = active_rs_proj(),
  pattern = NULL,
  dir_tree = FALSE,
  alpha = FALSE,
  recent_only = FALSE

  path = ".",
  pattern = NULL,
  dir_tree = FALSE,
  alpha = FALSE,
  recent_only = FALSE,
  recurse = FALSE



A character vector of file paths, a project. Defaults to the active file, project or directory.


A string or regex to search for in the outline. If specified, will search only for elements matching this regular expression. The print method will show the document title for context. Previously regex_outline


Whether to show in alphabetical order


Should include TODOs in the file outline? If FALSE, will print a less verbose output with sections.


Show outline for recent files


If TRUE, will print the fs::dir_tree() or non-R files in the directory


If TRUE recurse fully, if a positive number the number of levels to recurse.


A outline_report object that contains the information. Inherits tbl_df.

A symbol will show for recently modified files.


proj_outline() and dir_outline() are wrapper of file_outline().

In proj_outline(), path accepts project names, see proj_list() for how to set up reuseme to regognize your projects' locations.

The parser is very opinionated and is not very robust as it is based on regexps. For a better file parser, explore other options, like lightparser for Quarto, {roxygen2}

Will show TODO items and will offer a link to mark them as complete.

Note that proj_outline() strips some test files from the outline, as example test files (like in usethis repo) don't help understand a project's outline. Use dir_outline(recurse = TRUE) to make sure these are included in your outline.


file <- fs::path_package("reuseme", "example-file", "outline-script.R")
#> ── `example-file/outline-script.R`  Example for `file_outline()` 
#> `i` Load packages
#> `i` Wrangle + visualize data
#> `i` A great title
#> `i` TODO improve this Viz!

# Remove todo items
file_outline(file, print_todo = FALSE, alpha = TRUE)
#> ── `example-file/outline-script.R`  Example for `file_outline()` 
#> `i` A great title
#> `i` Load packages
#> `i` Wrangle + visualize data

# interact with data frame
file_outline(file) |> dplyr::as_tibble()
#> # A tibble: 7 × 27
#>   file     content outline_el title_el title_el_line  line has_title_el file_ext
#>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>      <chr>            <int> <int> <lgl>        <chr>   
#> 1 /home/r… "# Exa… NA         Example…             1     1 TRUE         R       
#> 2 /home/r… "# Loa… Load pack… Example…             1     2 FALSE        R       
#> 3 /home/r… "# Wra… Wrangle +… Example…             1     5 FALSE        R       
#> 4 /home/r… "    t… A great t… Example…             1     9 FALSE        R       
#> 5 /home/r… "# TOD… TODO impr… Example…             1    11 FALSE        R       
#> 6 /home/r… "f_exa… f_example  Example…             1    14 FALSE        R       
#> 7 /home/r… "  f2_… f2_example Example…             1    18 FALSE        R       
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: is_md <lgl>, is_test_file <lgl>, is_snap_file <lgl>,
#> #   is_cli_info <lgl>, is_doc_title <lgl>, is_chunk_cap <lgl>,
#> #   is_chunk_cap_next <lgl>, is_test_name <lgl>, is_todo_fixme <lgl>,
#> #   is_section_title <lgl>, pkg_version <chr>, is_section_title_source <lgl>,
#> #   n_leading_hash <dbl>, is_second_level_heading_or_more <lgl>,
#> #   is_cross_ref <lgl>, is_function_def <lgl>, is_tab_or_plot_title <lgl>,
#> #   is_subtitle <lgl>, recent_only <lgl>

if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# These all work on the active file / project or directory.

# Like proj_switch(), proj_outline() accepts a project