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This function can improve your workflow. It is inspired by usethis::rename_files(), but its scope is more oriented towards analysis script.


  warn_conflicts = c("default", "all", "exact", "none"),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  action = c("rename", "test"),
  force = deprecated()


old, new

Old and new file names (with or without extensions).


One of

  • "default": will be check more thoroughly depending on the situation. If only moving directory, and "all" otherwise.

  • "all" (larger scope: if old = "data/my-streets.csv|my_streets" will check for objects named my_streets, other files like my-streets.R, etc.),

  • "exact" will only search for "data/my-streets.csv" in documents "none" will not search for references in documents and will rename.


whether to overwrite new if it already exists. Be careful.


One of "rename" or "test"


[Deprecated] Use warn_conflicts instead of force = TRUE


new if renaming succeeded. Mostly called for its side-effects

Use case

Let's say you have an analysis and work on a certain subject. You want to rename a figure for clarity. For example, you had an input file named data/my-streets.csv and you now want to rename it to

Here is what rename_files2() does for you, before it renames files.

  1. Look for potential name conflict

  2. Look for data frame name conflicts

  3. Sends information to clipboard

Will work well for you if you tend to name your objects using snake case and naming objects with snake case or kebab-case.

The philosophy is to inform you of manual steps required before actually performing file renaming.

A way to be less strict is to us