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The screenshot will be saved as .png to a directory following these rules

  1. In a regular RStudio project (or a Quarto book), it will be saved to a images/ directory

  2. In a package project, it will be saved in a man/figures directory

  3. In a Quarto Blog project, it will save in the current post's folder.

  4. You can always override these defaults by setting dir

After using the shortcut Win + Shift + S, you can call this function!


screenshot(file = NULL, proj = proj_get(), dir = NULL)



A file name, ideally - (kebab-case). (extension ignored) (optional, default is image.png)


A project name


A directory (optional), to override the directory rules mentioned in the description. inside proj.


The full image path, invisibly.


If no file name is supplied, a file named image0*.png will be created. The function then prompts you to rename the file with a more expressive name. It will continue the numbering if a file named image exists.

Still have to validate if it works on macOS, as it is not clear whether the image goes to the clipboard by default

The maximum number of images in a folder is 99. (only padding 2), should be enough.

You should not be able to overwrite a screenshot with a generic name, only a named one as it is possible you may require to retake your screenshot.


if (FALSE) {
  # Add an image to the clipboard
  # Run the following
  screenshot(file = "my-new-image")